Welcome to PeaceRIse!
Igniting a global movement of positive action, harmonizing the human spirit.
Join a global community of innovators and peacemakers.
"We are a vibrant community of Peace Partners dedicated to driving innovation for global good."
Mission: We help people develop peaceful initiatives through technology.
Vision: To become the go-to repository of tools that facilitate peaceful initiatives around the world.
Purpose: To foster a global community that collaborates to solve critical challenges and promotes peace through innovation and technology.
Our community brings together minds from various disciplines – from technology to design, academia to non-profits – all united in pursuing harmony through innovation.
Peace Partners
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Our Initiatives
Check back soon for more updates.
Innovation Challenge
Our inaugural community-building initiative invites individuals and teams from diverse backgrounds to propose innovative solutions that further our pursuit of harmony and peace. Showcase your ideas, connect with visionaries, and be part of a transformative experience.
Our braintrust series brings together experts from around the world sharing knowledge about how to use technology to make the world a better place. View the upcoming events and sign up to participate in a braintrust.
We're growing the world's largest community of peacebuilders and changemakers to catalyze innovation for good. Sign up for our learning modules, join a discussion, or connect with other like-minded positive technologists from around the world.
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